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Ultrachem Ultraplate CFP
Ultrachem Ultraplate CFP is a structural reinforcement system in the form of carbon plates bonded with 2-component epoxy resin. This material is used for structural reinforcement that requires additional reinforcement.
Ultrachem Ultraplate CFP is commonly used to strengthen structural columns and beams especially where increased shear strength and deformation properties are required.
- Modulus kekuatan tarik sangat tinggi,
- Konduktivitas termal yang tinggi,
- Konduktivitas listrik,
- Ketahanan kimia yang sangat baik,
- Ketahanan terhadap suhu tinggi yang sangat baik,
- Tidak akan menimbulkan korosi,
- Ringan sehingga mudah digunakan,
- Ketahanan api yang sangat baik.
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