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Ultrachem SA 150-GA

Ultrachem SA 150-GA is a self-adhesive waterproof sheet made from SBS-Modified Bitument with excellent ability to protect concrete from water or water flow that can penetrate it.


Ultrachem SA 150-GA has high elasticity & dimensional stability so it is very suitable for use in large areas such as concrete roofs & swimming pool columns or in areas or structures that are in direct contact with the ground such as foundations, basements, pit lifts, tunnels, roof gardens and others.


  • Fast and practical in application.
  • Has good adhesion to concrete.
  • Has self-healing properties.
  • Root - resistance.
  • Sufficient resistance to chemicals from aggressive soils.
  • High elongation and dimensional stability so that it can adapt when there is movement, cracking or shrinkage in the concrete.
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